4 more men allege sex abuse by Ramsey youth volunteer

April 28, 2015 at 11:54PM

Four more young men have stepped forward to accuse a Ramsey youth volunteer of sexual abuse, the Anoka County Sheriff's Office said Tuesday.

Sheriff's investigators are looking into the additional allegations made against Chad Geyen. Last week, prosecutors charged Geyen, 44, with first-degree criminal sexual conduct, alleging he abused four boys age 13 or younger in hundreds of incidents. Two of the four are now adults in their mid-20s; the incidents involving them allegedly occurred between 1995 and 2001. The incidents involving the other two boys allegedly occurred within the past year.

The four additional men saw news accounts about the charges and contacted investigators, said Cmdr. Paul Sommer.

"Four complainants stepped forward to report some abuse that happened when they were preteens," Sommer said. "They are now young adults in their early to mid-20s."

Sommer declined to discuss specifics about the new allegations.

According to the criminal complaint filed last week, Geyen met one of the alleged victims through his 1989-1993 association with the Big Brothers organization and another while mentoring a boy in an aviation program. Geyen recently has been part of a group called the Young Eagles through the Blaine airport, according to authorities. That program serves youths interested in aviation.

Some of the alleged incidents occurred at Geyen's home, his cabin and at the airport, the complaint said. It said the alleged abuse involved acts of oral and anal sex.

Shannon Prather

about the writer

Shannon Prather


Shannon Prather covers Ramsey County for the Star Tribune. Previously, she covered philanthropy and nonprofits. Prather has two decades of experience reporting for newspapers in Minnesota, California, Idaho, Wisconsin and North Dakota. She has covered a variety of topics including the legal system, law enforcement, education, municipal government and slice-of-life community news.

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