NFL on Peterson decision: Stay tuned

April 15, 2015 at 12:34PM

It's not like the Vikings have a game this weekend, but NFL fans aren't a particularly patient pack of people. So Vikings fans probably have today, April 15, written down in big bold letters as potentially a celebratory day.

After all, according to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, today is the first day that former league MVP Adrian Peterson can be considered for reinstated after his lengthy tussle with the league, the law and the high court of public opinion regarding the injuries he caused while disciplining his 4-year-old son.

So we'll hear something today, right? Goodell will pull out a roll of industrial strength paper towels and clean this thing up nice and tidy before we head off to work.

Right? Right?! RIGHT!!!!?

As we pointed out in print this morning, the NFL views April 15 as a much softer deadline than the IRS. NFL spokesman Greg Aiello sent this email reminder of Peterson's vague timetable when asked Tuesday if the league would be removing the former NFL MVP from the commissioner's exempt list and reinstating him today:

"Here is what we said regarding April 15 when we announced his suspension [last fall]: –

"Adrian Peterson of the Minnesota Vikings was notified today that he has been suspended without pay for at least the remainder of the 2014 NFL season, and will not be considered for reinstatement before April 15, for violating the NFL Personal Conduct Policy in an incident of abusive discipline that he inflicted on his four-year-old son last May. … "In order to assess your progress going forward, I [NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell] will establish periodic reviews, the first of which will be on or about April 15, 2015."

Goodell and Peterson met for three hours last week. Whether it will lead to his reinstatement today, well, stay tuned. And keep in mind that, A, He will be reinstated; and B, the Vikings are off this Sunday.

about the writer

Mark Craig

Sports reporter

Mark Craig has covered the NFL nearly every year since Brett Favre was a rookie back in 1991. A sports writer since 1987, he is covering his 30th NFL season out of 37 years with the Canton (Ohio) Repository (1987-99) and the Star Tribune (1999-present).

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