Hennepin County Board votes itself 2.5% raise for 2014

November 3, 2012 at 10:24PM

For the fourth year in a row, the Hennepin County Board has voted to freeze its salaries for the next year. However, in the same motion they gave themselves a 2.5 percent raise for 2014.

The vote was 5-1, with Commissioner Jeff Johnson opposing the resolution because he disagreed with the 2014 pay bump.

"Taxpayers pay us well and I think we work hard for our pay, but I'm not comfortable with the message that this would send," he said.

This year, members make $97,080.

State law requires that commissioners adopt any change in their salaries before the general election. Changes in board salaries usually copy those given to other county employees, but lag a year behind. The board's 2014 raise is the same as other employees' 2013 pay increase.

In recent years, commissioners also have refunded a portion of their pay as a way to support leave-without-pay programs that other county employees have taken part in.

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