Art spotlight: "Drive By Shooting"

New photos by Sid Kaplan.

By MARY ABBE, Star Tribune

November 1, 2012 at 7:49PM
From "Drive-by Shooting" by Sid Kaplan.
From "Drive-by Shooting" by Sid Kaplan. (Star Tribune/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

Opens Friday: Chutzpah, chance and a 1955 Leica stocked with black-and-white film are photographer Sid Kaplan's tools of the trade. Plus a car driven by a pal. The Bronx-born photographer specializes in street photography that involves taking "snaps," as he calls them, from a moving auto. Since he doesn't own a car, Kaplan, 74, relies on friends to drive while he shoots through the windshield or holds the camera out the window, its strap tightly bound around his wrist. Shooting at a relatively slow shutter speed of 1/25th of a second, he gets the blur of movement and, when things go right, a crisp centerpiece. His win/loss ratio is about one good picture out of every 75 or 100. Not bad, considering. His second Icebox show is a mini-retrospective spanning the past 40 years. (Opening reception 5-10 p.m. Fri., Icebox Gallery, 2401 Central Av. NE., No. 443, Mpls. A traditional darkroom maven, Kaplan will give free talks at 9 p.m. Fri., 3 & 7 p.m. Sat. & 5 p.m. Sun. Show ends Feb. 2. Free. 612-788-1790 or

about the writer

MARY ABBE, Star Tribune