Rene Aiu bio

March 4, 2008 at 3:21AM

RENE AIU, president and CEO, ShopNBC

Age: 58

Hometown: Oxnard, Calif.

Education: Master of business administration, University of California, Los Angeles; bachelor of arts and master of arts, University of Southern California.

Most recent job: Consultant for the past two years on TV shopping ventures with TCI International, Home Shopping Network International and Liberty Global.

In Japan: In 1996, launched what would become that country's top home shopping site while working for Jupiter Shop Channel Japan; served as president and CEO of Jupiter Shop Channel Japan from 2000 to 2003 and was a board member from 2004 to 2007.

Previously: Home Shopping Network (1992 to 1995); J.C. Penney Shopping Network (1989 to 1999); Cable Value Network (1986 to 1988).

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