Q As the end of the year approaches, I want to reflect on the past and prepare for the upcoming year. Do you have suggestions on how I might approach this?

A People often become reflective as the new year approaches. Use that reflection to bring more satisfaction in life and at work.

The inner game

Who are you -- on the inside? Are you in touch with your deeper values and beliefs? If not, start here. If so, take a moment to deepen your self-awareness.

Think back to your youth. Recall the times that provided the most joy and energy. Remember the challenges that you faced. In your imagination, visit with your younger self and get her perspective on your life so far.

Then project yourself into the future, imagining yourself in five, 10, or even 20 years. What would this older, more experienced (hopefully wiser) self like you to know?

In the here and now, bring together the insights from past and future. Notice where you're clear on who you are, and are living in accord with your inner self. Notice, too, where you're uncomfortable. It's easy to slip away from a deeper connection with self, just by being busy. The good news is that taking the time and paying attention can help you easily reconnect.

Be prepared: This may be somewhat emotional. There may be a sense of loss for your younger self's hopes and ideals. Or, you may find it exhilarating and inspiring. Accept your feelings and move forward.

The outer game

Next, focus on what you're doing with your life. This doesn't have to mean radical transformation; careful fine-tuning can have gratifying effects on your satisfaction with your life.

So, what do you do with your time? Look at what you'd do differently if you had a choice. Not "I don't like doing laundry!" These are logistical things that we all have to deal with. Think bigger. Consider whether you're expressing yourself -- for example, if you loved to draw when you were a child but no longer have a creative outlet.

Too busy to change? Maybe, but look at the ways you use your time. TV, Facebook and other distractions eat up more and more time for many people. Imagine what you could do if you were more conscious of how you spend your time.

Are your relationships energizing? Notice if you spend a lot of time with people who drain you. Some may be family; in that case, focus on changing the habits that you've gotten into with them. Some may be friends. If the relationships can't be improved, you may want to consider moving on and forging more positive relationships.

One word of advice: look for what's fun! There's no room for "should" here.

Involve others around you. Tapping into your life's vision is a great thing to do with the people closest to you, and it'll help you stay on track.

The last word

Use this season to reconnect with yourself so you can have an even better year in 2010 and beyond.

What challenges do you face at work? Send your questions to Liz Reyer, a credentialed coach and president of Reyer Coaching & Consulting in Eagan. She can be reached at liz@deliverchange.com or 651-398-4765. Questions also can be submitted at www.deliverchange.com/coachscorner.