I came across a 1948 photograph of Hubert Humphrey pointing at a poster titled, "A Pledge for American Unity." It reads: 1.I will spread no rumor and no slander against any sect. 2.I will never try to indict a whole people by reason of the delinquency of any member. 3.I will daily deal with every man in business, in social and political relations, only on the basis of his true individual worth. 4.In my daily conduct, I will consecrate myself, hour by hour, to the achievement of the highest ideal of the dignity of mankind, equality, human fellowship and human brotherhood. The poster, which should be reissued for widespread distribution, succinctly captures ideals we all should aspire to in our current controversies around mosques, immigration, marriage equality and our fragile but durable democratic community.PAUL PRICE, ST. Paul