CEO Paywatch: Ron Konezny, Digi Interntional

Total compensation: $1,774,863 for the year ended Sept. 30, 2016
Salary: $465,000
Nonequity incentive pay: $776,550
Other compensation: $11,375
Value realized on vesting shares: $521,938
New stock options: 131,250
Total shareholder return: -3.3 percent
Note: Konezny took home $1.8 million including a $776,550 annual incentive bonus after exceeding quarterly and annual targets for the year. A month ago, Digi received an unsolicited $380 million takeover bid from St. Louis-based Belden Inc., a signal transmission solutions provider. Digi's board subsequently rejected the takeover bid. Konezny has a "double trigger" change-in-control agreement. Digi would have to be acquired and Konezny would have to be terminated before his change-in-control severance package would kick in. But should Belden, or another suitor, succeed in taking over Minnetonka-based Digi, Konezny would be eligible for a severance worth approximately $4 million.

At the center of the potential post-pandemic rebound is the Kickernick Building and its new owner’s gallery.