Every week or so (maybe not that often, but it seems that way), a new publication comes out with a study, poll or other set of facts indicating that Minnesota sports are bad.

Sometimes they're ho-hum bad, and sometimes they're the worst. It doesn't usually matter what the angle of the study is. Unless it comes to fitness (where we're great!), the Twin Cities and our pro sports teams are generally judged as epic failures.

The latest effort comes from the Washington Post, which just published a set of online graphics that, coupled with essays from around the country, looks at the last decade for the 12 U.S. markets that have NBA, NHL, NFL and MLB franchises.

The methodology in this case is pretty basic: The Post simply took the combined winning percentages of all four teams starting in 2005 to establish a 1-12 order. Minnesota, with a combined .462 winning percentage, finished last among the 12 markets.

Again, the "what" is not surprising. In tomorrow's Page 2 feature, I spend a little time trying to understand the "why," at least in the case of this particular study.

For now, though, I open the floor to the readers. What is the primary reason the last decade of Minnesota sports has been so largely forgettable?