Since recent community meetings, the Minneapolis school district has changed a few parts of the downsizing plan that the board plans to vote on tonight.

ā€¢ As initially proposed, students who would no longer be in a school's attendance area could be grandfathered into the school but only if there was space and their parents provided transportation.

Now, if the board approves the plan, students in magnet, middle or high schools outside of their attendance area or zone will be guaranteed a spot in their current school, although parents still will need to give them a ride. Students attending community schools outside of their attendance area will still have to hope that there is space available.

ā€¢ Also, if the plan is approved:

-- Emerson Spanish Immersion will move intact, as planned, to the Anwatin/Bryn Mawr site. The Anwatin Middle School program will still close, but the closing will take place over two years as the school phases out the grades.

-- Bryn Mawr Community School will remain a K-5 school, instead of changing to a K-8 school.

-- The district will create a new 6-8 Dual Spanish Immersion/International Baccalaureate program at the Anwatin/Bryn Mawr site, to serve students from Emerson and Windom Spanish immersion, as well as students from the Bryn Mawr and Bethune attendance areas. This program will also serve current 7th- and 8th-grade Anwatin students.

Source: Minneapolis Public Schools