Bad hair day: Shares of Regis Corp. dropped 11 percent Fri­day, to $11.70 af­ter the hair sa­lon own­er re­port­ed a con­tinued de­cline in quar­ter­ly revenue. The com­pany is work­ing on a turn­a­round over the past year but the effort has been slow to show re­sults.

Strong re­port: Best Buy shares rose more than 15 percent on Tues­day, to $33.78 af­ter the re­tail­er re­port­ed a bet­ter than ex­pect­ed 12 percent rise in prof­its, fu­eled by strong sales of ap­pli­an­ces, big TVs and mo­bile phones. Its shares fin­ished the week at $35.97.

Re­bound lead­ers: Goo­gle and Apple were cred­it­ed with lead­ing a mar­ket ral­ly Wednes­day af­ter a string of eye-pop­ping loss­es for stocks. Goo­gle rose 8 percent Wednes­day, to $659.69 and fin­ished the week at $630.38. Apple gained near­ly 6 percent in the midweek surge, clos­ing at $109.69. Its shares fin­ished the week at $113.29.

Cop­per-bot­tomed: Freeport-McMoR­an rose 30 percent Thurs­day, to $10.35, af­ter the cop­per pro­duc­er said it is cut­ting spend­ing, pro­duc­tion and jobs as it deals with de­clin­ing cop­per prices. Investors also applauded news that Carl Icahn has taken a stake in the company. Its stock closed the week at $10.50.

Deal blocked: Energy com­pany Pep­co Holdings dropped 16 percent Tues­day, to $22.51, af­ter regu­la­tors in Washington re­ject­ed its pro­posed merg­er with Ex­el­on. Pep­co stock closed Fri­day at $23.01.

Tasty quar­ter: J.M. Smuck­er Co. rose 5.1 percent to $114.67 af­ter the food mak­er's earn­ings beat fore­casts, helped by high­er prices of its Folgers and Dunkin' Donuts cof­fee and strong sales of Dunkin' Donuts K-Cup pods. Smuck­er shares closed the week at $117.59.

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