Creative Water Solutions
Business: Creates and markets moss-based water-conditioning products to inhibit bacteria growth in hot tubs and pools.
Founded: 2001
Headquarters: Plymouth
Employees: Four
Executives: David Knighton, co-founder, chairman of the board; Vance Fiegel, co-founder, chief science officer; Allan Schwartz, president and COO
2008 revenue: Estimated $150,000 to $175,000; projected $600,000 in 2009
Strategy: Increase product awareness in the industry, develop new products, continue research into their products' effects on biofilm
Business: Publishes the Alumni Advisor and the recently acquired uGuide, aimed respectively at graduating and incoming college students.
Founded: 2005
Headquarters: Minneapolis
Employees: One
Executives: Nick Beste and Kevin Carlow, co-owners
2007 revenue: $34,000; projected 2008 for Alumni Advisor only: $250,000
Strategy: Expand to other campuses, streamline processes and procedures, look for acquisitions outside publishing
about the writer
Bremer Bank’s chief risk officer sold two stores and is alleged to have left the buyer $300,000 in the hole.