CEO Pay Watch: Graco's Patrick McHale made nearly $8 million last year

Total compensation: $7,977,846 for the year ended Dec. 31
Salary: $772,900
Nonequity incentive pay: $466,021
Other compensation: $13,961
Exercised stock options: $6,724,964
New stock options: 201,160
Total 2016 shareholder return: 17.4 percent
Note: McHale's compensation was up 88 percent from 2015 mainly from the $6.7 million realized from previously issued stock options that he exercised last year.
McHale's annual incentive bonuses for 2016's financial performance was down 49 percent from 2015's $910,538, and down for the second year in a row. Annual incentive bonuses at Graco are based on revenue and adjusted earnings per share. While Graco reported record annual revenue of $1.3 billion in 2016, up 3 percent from the prior year, it was below the targeted amount for the year. The adjusted EPS figure also increased but not as much as the target. In the end, McHale earned a cash incentive bonus worth 60 percent of the target amount set for 2016.
Graco's shares outperformed the S&P 500 in 2016 and the total shareholder return for the year helped to increase the value of the 161,500 previously issued options that McHale exercised during the year.
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