There's a woman in New England who has Rocco Baldelli's old phone number, which she discovered last week when she started getting text messages for the new Twins manager.

At first, it was a fun thing that she kept to herself.

But Thursday morning, she got a text message from former major league outfielder Matt Diaz, who was co-hosting a morning show on Sirius/XM radio. Now, there's some fame to go with the phone number.

"So you have Rocco Baldelli's old phone?" asked Mike Ferrin, the other co--host.

"Apparently, I do," the woman replied.

And here's the rest of the conversation. (If you're pressed for time and don't have two minutes, it ends with the caller reading the text from Diaz to Baldelli's old phone: "This is Matt Diaz. Just talked about you on MLB Network Radio. So pumped for you. The Twins are getting a stud.")

The caller has been having some fun with her notoriety, posting this:

And this: