Are you a procrastinator? Here are some tips to get past it

Face your fears, break down projects into smaller pieces and make lists — and then get going.

For the Minnesota Star Tribune
May 28, 2023 at 7:00PM
Making to-do lists is one way you can break down projects and keep on track. (Getty Images/iStockphoto/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

A company president had little tolerance for procrastination. In an effort to increase organizational efficiency, she hung up signs throughout the building that read, "DO IT NOW."

Within 24 hours, her vice president quit, her assistant got married and the custodian stole the company van.

This story, of course, is not entirely true, especially the part about the van.

But I suspect the president found a more specific way to motivate staff to achieve their goals.

One of the worst things you can do when faced with a difficult decision in almost any endeavor in life is to procrastinate.

Procrastination throws off schedules. It replaces accomplishment with inaction.

Here are some tips to join the TNT Club — Today Not Tomorrow.

Deal with your fear. Fear of failure can be crippling, but fear of success can paralyze your efforts just as severely. Avoiding success may seem irrational, but success brings change, and change is often threatening.

Make a to-do list with specific deadlines. List what you want to accomplish with a detailed timeline you want to meet. Projects often take longer than expected to accomplish, so add in some extra time. I make my to-do list every morning by working backward: What do I need to accomplish by the end of the day? By the end of the week? The end of the month? That tells me where to focus.

Break your work into smaller steps. When you look at a big project, it can be overwhelming, so break it down into more manageable parts.

Don't get frustrated. Seriously, has frustration ever improved a situation? Better to take a break, collect your thoughts and redirect your attention toward making a positive first step. Then go on from there.

Stop overcomplicating things. There is never a best time to accomplish a project. Perfection is a big reason for procrastination. Getting started is often the hardest part. Once you are off to a good start, it's much simpler to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Eliminate distractions. Interruptions and distractions are productivity's No. 1 enemy. I've even gone as far as hanging a "Do Not Disturb" sign on my office door. Set aside a period of time each day — even if it's only 10 minutes — when you are unavailable for anything less than a four-alarm fire. No office visitors, telephone calls or email.

Reward yourself. I'm a big believer in rewarding myself for completing a challenging task or a big project. I'll go out to play golf or attend a sporting event or take some time off to relax. Rewards are good motivation. It also clears your mind for the next challenge.

Hang out with go-getters. I only hang out with positive people who inspire me to take action. Their spirit and drive rubs off on me. It's like having motivation buddies. And I like to announce what I'm trying to accomplish, because they will check up on me and make sure I'm doing what I said I would do.

There is an anonymous poem called "Mr. Meant-To" that goes like this:

Mr. Meant-To has a comrade

And his name is Didn't Do.

Have you ever chanced to meet them?

Have they ever called on you?

These two fellows live together

In the house of Never Win,

And I'm told that it is haunted

By the ghost of Might-Have-Been.

Mackay's Moral: Never put off until tomorrow what you should have done yesterday.

Harvey Mackay is a Minneapolis businessman. Contact him at 612-378-6202 or email

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about the writer

Harvey Mackay


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