An intoxicated pickup truck driver crashed into a horse-drawn Amish buggy in western Wisconsin and killed one of two teenage brothers, according to charges.
Wisconsin driver who struck, killed Amish teen in buggy was drunk, charges say
Amish teen's lights were working when carriage hit from behind, deputy said.

Anthony R. Anderson, 40, was charged in Barron County District Court with homicide by intoxicated use of a vehicle and related counts in connection with the crash on Feb. 18 near Rice Lake that killed a 17-year-old Levi Miller. His 16-year-old brother, Joseph Miller, was less seriously injured.
The pickup hit the northbound buggy after dark from behind, despite the horse-drawn vehicle having operating rear lights, the Sheriff's Department said.
A message was left with Anderson's attorney Tuesday seeking a response to the allegations.
According to the charges:
Anderson, of Rice Lake, called 911 about 6:40 p.m. from the scene in Oak Grove Township and said he struck the buggy.
A deputy arrived and saw the buggy wreckage and its horse dead on the side of the road. He also saw the buggy's strobe light in the ditch and still blinking.
Two broken kerosene lanterns from the buggy were also in the ditch.
Levi Miller was taken by ambulance to an Eau Claire hospital and died there on Feb. 24.
Joseph Miller said he and his brother were heading home with all lights working on their buggy.
Anderson was taken to a clinic in Marshfield, where his blood alcohol content was measured at 0.085%, above the legal limit for driving in Wisconsin.
Servers at V&M Bar north of Rice Lake told authorities that Anderson was drinking there for about two hours in the time leading up to the crash.
State court records show that Anderson was convicted of drunken driving less than 18 months before the crash.
An online fundraising campaign has been started to help the family with medical and other expenses arising out of the crash.
Paul Walsh • 612-673-4482
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