In a far cry from the sleepy re-election campaigns Rep. Jim Oberstar has enjoyed for years, a debate between him and Chip Cravaack, his Republican challenger, boiled over Tuesday morning at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center.

According to the Duluth News-Tribune, among several news media outlets to post an account of the debate, the candidates faced "angry mobs of their opponent's supporters." More than 1,800 people jammed the convention center's auditorium.

The paper reported that Cravaack supporters hurled catcalls at the dean of the state's congressional delegation that included "liar" and "Obama Junior." "You just don't want to hear the facts. You don't want to hear the truth," Oberstar said.

"You don't know the truth," an audience member shot back."

Political context, as reported last week by the Strib's Eric Roper:

Tuesday's 90-minute debate also managed to cover a wide range of substantive policy topics. For the News-Tribune's full story, you can read here.