What's cooking: Cheese, meet Lynne Rossetto Kasper and a slow food benefit

By Star Tribune

September 11, 2013 at 7:25PM
Steve Rice ï srice@startribune.com St. Paul, 01/25/2008] One of Lynn Rossetto Kasper's favorite rooms is her kitchen, which is only fitting for someone who writes cookbooks, has a cooking show on NPR, and loves to entertain. But her look and feel is casual, as can be seen by her note cover refrigerator. The 18,000 BTU Wolf stove behind her was purchased with her first royalty check from her book "The Splendid Table", and she calls it "Babe."bestmn2012 bestmn2012
Lynn Rossetto Kasper (The Minnesota Star Tribune)

Cheese, please

If you like to eat cheese, talk to cheese producers, see cheese made and generally can't imagine a nicer way to spend three hours, the Minnesota Cheese Festival may be for you. The event occurs in two sessions daily this weekend: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 to 5 p.m. Sept. 14 and 15 at the International Bazaar on the grounds of the Minnesota State Fair. In addition to cheese producers from Minnesota and Wisconsin, there will be local food producers, vintners and brewers. Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for ages 10 and under, plus VIP tickets for $65. To order and get all the details visit www.mncheesefest.com/index.html.

Slow Food benefit

The annual benefit for Minnesota Food Association and Slow Food MN is at 2 p.m. Sept. 22 at Big River Farms, near Marine on St. Croix. The day features a four-course harvest dinner with wine pairings, prepared by chefs from Restaurant Alma and Brasa Rotisserie, Solera, Sen Yai Sen Lek, Three Sons Meats and others, farm tours, a silent auction and — new this year — focused, small-group conversation circles with farmers before dinner on subjects such as unique hand tools, Hmong herbs, the Karen people (our newest immigrants) and Slow Food's Terra Madre network.

Tickets are $85 for members of Slow Food or MFA; $100 for nonmembers and guests of members, $45 for ages 15 and under. For tickets, along with details about reserved tables and more, visit www.slowfoodmn.org/events.html. To reserve by mail, send a check made out to Slow Food Minnesota to Sharon Wildfang, 10100 Johnson Av., Bloomington MN 55437. Please list names of attendees.

Kasper in person

We know her voice through "The Splendid Table" radio show, but not many people get to see Lynne Rossetto Kasper in person. Here's your chance. Kasper will speak Sept. 25 at 6:30 p.m. at the Campus Club at the University of Minnesota for a fundraiser to help the student organic farm, Cornercopia, buy a new tiller/tractor. The event is part of the farm's Heirloom Tomato Festival, during which Kasper and other speakers will share their knowledge of tomato varieties and the impact of heirlooms on food attitudes. Tickets are $60 ($30 for students). Call 612-625-7788 to make reservations.


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