The Minnesota Senate's new rules offer some fashion mandates to those who would enter the Senate chamber.

"Legislators, legislative employees, and individuals with credentials issued under Rule 16 (that's the media) who are present on the Senate floor during floor proceedings shall wear appropriate business attire," the Senate rules, approved by the Rules Committee this week, say.

The Rules go on to define appropriate business attire, thusly: "For men, appropriate attire is a suit or sport coat, dress slacks, a dress shirt, and a tie. For women, appropriate attire includes a dress or skirt, dress slacks, and a blouse or sweater."

The colors of the appropriate attire are left up to the wearer.

According to the Senate Sergeant At Arms Office, one of their duties has been to "enforce dress code." This Capitol Hot Disher has seen male reporters turned back from the Senate doors in the past, but it hasn't happened often.

UPDATE: On Thursday, when the Senate took up the rules, Sen. Ann Rest, DFL-New Hope, moved to delete the new dress code rules. After some discussion, which included the history of leisure suits and notice of the adjustments the Senate had to make when female Senators came on the scene, the Senate moved on a voice vote to delete the attire proposal.