West metro police blotter, March 26
FEB. 26
Drugs. A 37-year-old Norwood Young America woman was cited for possession of marijuana at Highway 12 and Dell Road.
FEB. 21
Theft. A 2000 Honda Civic valued at $10,000 was stolen at Southdale Center.
FEB. 26
Theft. A lunchbox was stolen from a vehicle in the 7300 block of York Avenue.
FEB. 27
Drugs. A 37-year-old Eden Prairie woman was arrested for possible possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia following a traffic stop in the 4900 block of Eden Avenue.
FEB. 23
Drunken driving. A 34-year-old Excelsior man was arrested for possible drunken driving and possible possession of an amphetamine after he was stopped for numerous traffic violations near Beerhle Avenue and Oak Street.
FEB. 25
Drunken driving. A 53-year-old Eden Prairie woman was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving after she was stopped for driving the wrong way on a one-way street at 3rd Street and School Avenue.
FEB. 19
Suspicious activity. Officers responded to a report of people knocking on the front door and garage at a home in the 12000 block of 82nd Place. They found intoxicated people who had arrived at the wrong address, and helped everyone get home safely.
FEB. 23
Parking complaint. Officers responded to an early morning report of a vehicle partly blocking the road at Tamarack Drive and Trappers Trail. They found the vehicle not blocking the road but on the shoulder, occupied and running. The driver told them he was delivering papers and taking a nap.
FEB. 22
Drugs. A 35-year-old Minnetonka man was cited for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia after officers checked on a vehicle parked at Little Long Lake landing.
Burglary. Jewelry valued at $2,000 was stolen from a home in the 8600 block of Hillside Avenue. Entry was gained by breaking a window.
FEB. 24
Weapon. A 39-year-old St. Paul man was arrested for a weapons violation after a traffic stop at 13th Avenue and Highway 169. Officers found a handgun and marijuana in the vehicle.
FEB. 28
Theft. A 2009 Toyota Camry was stolen from a driveway in the 15300 block of 60th Avenue. The keys had been left inside the vehicle.
FEB. 23
Robbery. A man reported that he was hit over the head with a pipe and robbed of $200 and a cellphone at Motel 6, 7640 Cedar Av. S.
FEB. 25
Drunken driving. A 56-year-old Minneapolis man was arrested for possible drunken driving after officers found him urinating behind his vehicle in the 6700 block of Cedar Avenue S.
FEB. 27
Drugs. A 22-year-old Minneapolis woman was cited for possible possession of marijuana in a motor vehicle after she was stopped for driving late at night with no lights at 12th Avenue S. and E. 77th Street.
FEB. 28
Kidnapping. Officers responded to a report of an attempted kidnapping at W. 77th Street and Wentworth Avenue S. A juvenile female reported she escaped from a male suspect who she said had tried to pull her into his vehicle at a bus stop.
Susan Hilliard • 612-673-7131
An arrest or citation means police suspect a crime has occurred; they are allegations and still must go before a judge. Items are selected from reports made to police departments and are not intended to provide a comprehensive picture of crime.