Volunteer opportunities

March 20, 2009 at 7:18PM

RAKE, RATTLE AND ROLL VOLUNTEER: Help rake and bag leaves for seniors in April and May through the Handy Works program of the Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches. Call 612-721-8687, ext. 335, or contact Molly at mchandler@gmcc.org.

WILDLIFE VOLUNTEERS: Help feed baby squirrels or ducks. Also some cleaning and laundry duties are required. No rabies vaccine required. Needed for a four- to five-month commitment. For more details, contact Liz at 651-486-9410, ext.102, or liz@wrcmn.org or check www.wrcmn.org.

For the following opportunities, call HandsOn Twin Cities at 612-379-4900 or go to www.handsontwincities.org.

OVERNIGHT VOLUNTEER: Stay overnight and assist people at the Simpson Housing emergency shelter in Minneapolis.

BREAKFAST VOLUNTEER: Help with breakfast from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Tuesday and Wednesday for preschoolers at Perspectives Family Center in St Louis Park.

PUBLIC POLICY VOLUNTEER: Help draft and promote women's economic legislation for WomenVenture in St. Paul.

CAROUSEL OPERATOR: Take tickets and assist riders on Cafesjian's Carousel at Como Park in St. Paul.

FREE CONE DAY VOLUNTEER: Help scoop ice cream and/or help with other duties from 11:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. April 21, through Community Action of Minneapolis at the Stadium Village in Minneapolis.

MINNESOTA READING CORPS: Work directly or indirectly with young children in schools statewide through the Minnesota Literacy Council. Three positions are available: classroom member, literacy coordinator and volunteer coordinator.

If your nonprofit organization has a volunteer need, e-mail ccoles@startribune.com and type "Volunteer Need" in the subject field.

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