Typhoon Kompasu will strike Okinawa directly with winds of hurricane strengthand torrential rain early Tuesday, EDT.As of Monday morning, EDT, the center of Typhoon Kompasu was located about 250miles southeast of Naha, Okinawa. Highest sustained winds were near 85 mph withmovement toward the northwest at 8 mph.
Typhoon Kompasu Aimed for Okinawa
By AccuWeather
Further strengthening is forecast before the center of Kompasu passes directlyover, or at least near, the main island of Okinawa.

Image Credit: Naval Research Lab Monterey
Wind gusts above 75 mph, or minimal hurricane strength, will cause damage.Torrential rainfall of 4 to 8 inches will threaten flooding.
Beyond Okinawa, Kompasu will veer northward east of Shanghai, China, maybe evenbrushing the coast.
Ultimate landfall later in the week will be somewhere on the west coast of theKorean Peninsula.
The storm, which began as a tropical depression over the Philippine Sea, wasnamed during the weekend.
Elsewhere, a second tropical cyclone, named Lionrock, was over the northernSouth China Sea some 200 miles east-southeast of Hong Kong.
Tropical Storm Lionrock is forecast to land on the shores of southeastern Chinawest of Taiwan at midweek.
By Jim Andrews, Senior Meteorologist
about the writer
NONFICTION: “Category Five” says those catastrophic events are commonly being eclipsed, because of climate crisis.