Two women and a man lost their lives Tuesday in separate rollover crashes in Carlton and Todd counties, the Minnesota State Patrol said.
Three die in separate rollover crashes in greater Minnesota
The crashes happened in Carlton and Todd counties.
In the first wreck, Angela Severson was driving north on Hwy. 23 when she drifted onto the left shoulder near Carlton County Road 8 in Clear Creek about 6:15 p.m. She overcorrected and the Chevy Blazer left the road, rotated counterclockwise and struck a tree as the vehicle rolled. The SUV came to a rest wrapped around the tree with the roof of the passenger side crushed, the patrol said.
Severson, 35, of Pierre, S.D., was declared dead at the scene. A passenger in her Blazer, Jennifer Bokusky, 36, of Apple Valley, also died at the scene. Neither woman was wearing a seat belt, the patrol said.
A little more than an hour later, the patrol responded to a different crash on Hwy. 27 east of Long Prairie, Minn., in Todd County.
Sean Callaway, 22, of Alexandria, Minn., died when his Mercury Grand Marquis veered off the road, hit an approach and rolled near 295th Avenue, the patrol said.
The three deaths brought the number of traffic fatalities for the year to 69, compared with 58 this time last year.
Tim Harlow
The state GOP wants to resolve intraparty feuds before the 2026 election. But some Republicans are calling for the party to cut out its fringe factions, not work with them.