WASHINGTON – A bill sponsored by Rep. Pete Stauber that would allow the Bowen Lodge fishing resort permanent access to the shoreline of Lake Winnibigoshish in a land exchange passed the U.S. House late Tuesday.
Stauber’s Lake Winnibigoshish land exchange bill passes U.S. House
It’s the first bill from a member of Minnesota’s congressional delegation to pass the new Congress.

Part of the northern Minnesota resort’s land would be added to the Chippewa National Forest. It’s the first bill from a member of the Minnesota congressional delegation to get through the new Congress, passing unanimously by voice vote.
“This land exchange is a win-win, which is why it passed out of the House with unanimous support,” the Minnesota Republican said in a statement.
The Lake Winnibigoshish Land Exchange Act would exchange 37.6 acres of land owned by the lodge for 17.5 acres that’s managed by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and the Chippewa National Forest.
Bill and Gail Heig, who operate the lodge, currently have a 20-year agreement with USFS to lease part of the land along the shoreline of the lake where they operate their marina.
The land exchange would allow the lodge to have permanent access to the shoreline and marina, and in turn, add a section of lodge land to the national forest.
“It will grant the Bowen Lodge permanent access to the waterfront, ensuring that guests and residents of Itasca County can partake in recreational opportunities for generations to come, all while helping the Chippewa National Forest achieve its management goals,” Stauber continued.
Fellow Minnesota GOP Reps. Brad Finstad and Michelle Fischbach cosponsored the bill. It currently does not have a U.S. Senate sponsor, but given its quick passage in the House, it’s unlikely to face opposition in the Senate.
The conditions were thought to have contributed to a Washington County fatality. Coming up: More snow in southeast Minnesota and bitter cold in the region by Sunday.