Gov. Mark Dayton has set the date of the special election to replace Sen. Gary Kubly for April 10th.

Kubly, DFL-Granite Falls, died Friday. His funeral was Wednesday in Granite Falls.

The governor is required by law to file a writ of special election to fill a legislative vacancy within five days of the vacancy occurring during legislative session.

Candidates can begin filing with the Secretary of State or the county auditor on Thursday and must file their intent to run by March 13. Candidates who filed but changed their minds must withdraw by close of business on March 14.

If needed, the state will hold a primary on March 27.

Kubly handily won his last election but the district returned much closer results in recent statewide races for governor and U.S. Senator.

See the writ below:

20120307 Writ of Special Election-Attach