Readers Write (Dec. 12): Health care, Plan B pill, payroll tax cuts, airlines, Vikings

December 11, 2011 at 10:22PM
(Susan Hogan — Associated Press/The Minnesota Star Tribune)


Congress is broken, and the people are hurting

I got a little emotional reading the commentary by Spike Dolomite Ward about the impact of a job loss ("Mr. President, my apologies," Dec. 8).

Like so many Americans, we are in a similar situation. We never imagined we would be where we are today, struggling to make ends meet. What's happening to the middle class is scary. I've never given up hope on President Obama.

He's fighting his own war with Congress. It's amazing anything gets done. Politicians these days seem to be more worried about being re-elected or what the party line is than they are in what people's needs are.

We are hurting. It's our duty to find out the facts about what candidates stand for before we cast our vote. Your vote does matter.


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No doubt Sebelius was following Obama's lead

Kathleen Sebelius, the U.S. health secretary, overruled the Federal Drug Administration's recommendation on a safe method of emergency contraception that would have been accessible over the counter to all females of reproductive age ("U.S. limits use of Plan B pill," Dec. 8).

Sebelius' reasoning was that because 10 percent of 11-year-old girls can get pregnant, Teva Pharmaceuticals should have studied whether girls that age could safely use Plan B.

For heaven's sake, will she or anyone like to see the 11-year-old carry her pregnancy to term with huge health risks to herself and the baby, let alone to become a mother at the age of 12?

It is likely that Sebelius is following orders from her boss, President Obama, who has capitulated on all important issues of the day to win a second term. Good luck.


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Sacrifice now for good of future generations

A recent letter writer thanking Congress for the payroll tax break as a source for his morning coffee illustrates the affluence many who receive that tax break enjoy.

I am one of those people and cannot help but noticing all the "Support Our Troops" and "United We Stand" bumper stickers still displayed.

If we were truly supportive of the troops and wishing the best for our united country, couldn't we forgo our morning coffee if it meant less debt for our children, a stronger dollar, and a more stable financial future?


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More competition for Delta would cut prices

Kudos to Dan Boivin, chairman of the Metropolitan Airports Commission, who released a report showing that Minnesotans generally pay higher airfares than people who fly from other major airports ("Delta's hold on MSP costs travelers," Dec. 4).

Minimum competition here with Delta has made it so. I recently called both Delta and Sun Country to buy five nonstop, round-trip flights for family members from here to Fort Myers, Fla., next March.

The price was 50 percent higher to fly Delta. Thank you, Sun Country, for keeping your prices affordable. Delta, are you listening?


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Commentary correctly argued for Dome site

Thanks to Adam Platt for succinctly stating the obvious about the foolish site-selection circus we have been forced to endure ("Stop the stadium nonsense," Dec. 8).

It's astonishing and depressing that in an era of "smart growth" our elected officials have allowed the Arden Hills site so much serious consideration. However self-serving and wasteful their plan, the Wilfs deserve some understanding for wanting to get the process off the schneid.

Gov. Mark Dayton also deserves credit for his efforts, but he could have moved things along better, and with political cover, by appointing a panel of academic and professional land-use experts to determine the site that functionally and economically best serves our region in the near and long term -- and then backing that site.

If it were not toothless, the Metropolitan Council would have determined the best site. With the Central Corridor light rail soon to open, St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman should acknowledge that his constituents would receive much more benefit from a stadium on the Metrodome site than from one in Arden Hills.

Tax protesters should be twice as irate about a potential Arden Hills stadium that would make little use of transportation resources for which we are taxed at all levels of government.


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