St. Paul's Como Park Zoo and Conservatory is among a couple of dozen sites to view contestants in this year's beauty contest for new flowers.
Public can vote for favorite flower
The All-America Selections Display Garden Award is the country's only popularity contest for flowers. The public can vote on the flower most appealing for a garden.
The entrants are on display and voting opportunities are available at the conservatory or online at
The contests: Angelonia angustifolia "Serena Blue," Begonia boliviensis "Santa Cruz Sunset," gazania "Big Kiss" White Flame F1, petchoa x hybrida "SuperCal Pink Ice," petunia "Surfinia Deep Red," and sunflower "Goldie" F1.
The entries include the cascading Serena Blue to the vivid billowing begonias, the purple-and-white striped explosion of gazania to the fluffy sunflower. As of last week the begonias had a slight edge over the gazania.
Voting runs through Aug. 31. Winners will be announced in September.