Tie downs Trucks driving black top gravel trail head meet new guy unload knots straps truck keys fender gas tank pack canoe repack leather straps Four men two canoes black labs thirty six miles twenty six portages eight days countless endless bugs wind unceasing waves rain sunshine humidity three moose seagulls rocks trees paddles cast iron skillet axe tarp sixty four fish wet shoes tent stakes Duluth packs cameras rope Sunrise loon Pancakes gallons of filtered water coffee coffee coffee fried fish boiled tators onions gum drops cocktails peanut butter wood smoke bacon eggs paper plates sharp hunting knives leaky paper dog food never go home cabin site if legal scour grill Sunglasses hat bandanna swim cool off soggy clothes hot rocks warm canoe cold fishing cool evening hot fishing bugs clothes paddle shoreline to camp hot boots storm clouds raisins tease new guy wading falling laughing be careful long way out sweltering rain gear Fishing rods casting trout trout trout trout snags stringer stringer stringer release loon canoe seats suns glare napping sore back sore butt aching shoulders sunset cloudy lightning Sleeping bag stars Throwing sticks dog splashes shaking Four Raspberries stories big whopper stories need some quiet time fish skin trout fins pine cones pine sap sticky white moon gray patches peaceful good time Honey hole day one day three day five Jigging trolling casting paddle paddle paddle trout trout big trout little trout loon island bay point point bay island little cleos wobblers Pocket knife compass map map turn around check map find portage shore lunch burned fingers birch bark otter flour salt lemon pepper darkness cooler air again downpour sleeping dog's bugs buzzing Toothbrush swimming toilet paper loon sweat sunscreen sticky dog paddling blazing sunshine sand in my boots again Practical jokes good friends firewood camp fire permit badges uniforms inspection law rules bad harmonica music cocktails great singing Shade deep breaths laughing thinking hearing waves smells loon hills leaves breeze cool air bragging rights biggest fish snoring find pencils plastic bag take meds Full belly scrubbing skillet filleting fish stove wood kindling wash clothes throwing rocks trail mix whiskey jacks note paper pencil home sounds good speckled red white rocks Dirty finger nails packing loading looking back paddle hiking sweating unload portage load paddle unload portage load paddle unload paddle unload trail head standing stretching shake new guys hand Trucks tie down driving gravel black top home air conditioning cold shower the trout whisperer
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None of the boat’s occupants, two adults and two juveniles, were wearing life jackets, officials said.
Minnesota waterfowl opener produces ducks for some, memories for all
Whether you’re looking for an easy option for a family outing or a quad-busting challenge, here are a variety of paths to consider this fall.
None of the boat’s occupants, two adults and two juveniles, were wearing life jackets, officials said.