A dedication of the city's Veterans' Memorial will cap a weekend of festivities in Pioneer Park, marking the 150th anniversary of the War Between the States.
Newport to be site of Civil War Sesquicentennial celebration
The ceremony at 1 p.m. next Sunday is part of a three-day celebration put on by the Newport Heritage Preservation Commission.
Friday's events are only for those with reservations, but on Saturday the public is free to wander through the Civil War Encampment from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. where the Third Minnesota Regiment Volunteer Infantry, Company C, and the Fillmore County Volunteers will reenact camp life with drills, demonstrations, presentations and exhibits.
Highlights include "The Boys of Company B," an illustrated talk at 11 a.m. by city historian Bob Vogel about the men from Washington County who served in the war. A reenactment of the mustering of Company B will take place at 1 p.m. followed by a roundtable discussion featuring historians and writers at 2 p.m.
The festivities include self-guided tours of Civil War veterans' grave sites in Newport, Red Rock and Old Cottage Grove cemeteries and the veteran's memorial dedication.
Washington County
Cost of mailings irks county commissionerWaving a thick package of fine print brochures that Washington County sends to medical assistance applicants, Commissioner Dennis Hegberg asked who would read the information, much less understand it.
"It's a waste of taxpayer dollars," Hegberg said at Tuesday's county board meeting.
Each package costs $7.95 to mail. The county mails about 200 of them a month and has done so since the mid-1990s.
Dan Papin, who runs the county's Community Services division, said state and federal laws require the mailing, which allows for applicants to choose from four health care plans: U-Care, Blue Cross, Health Partners and Medica.
"Why do we need four plans in Washington County?" Papin said. "It confuses people, especially if they're seniors or disabled. It creates confusion."
Papin said it's possible the law will change to allow that the materials be e-mailed, saving the postage cost.
Teen parent education coming for residents"Thriving With Your Teen" education for parents and caregivers of preteens and teens will be offered in October.
The program will help parents find common ground with their teenagers and includes recent research about teens.
Parenting tips and parenting styles also will be discussed.
Attendees don't have to be parents of teens; parent educators are also welcome. Sessions will be:
•6:30-8 p.m. Oct. 4, Forest Lake Community Education, one session at Century Junior High. Free. Attendees can register at www.communityed4u.org or call 651-982-8110.
•6:30 to 8 p.m. Oct. 11 and 18, Stillwater Community Edu- cation, at Stillwater Area High School. Attendees can attend both sessions. Cost is $15 per person, $20 per couple. Register at ce.stillwater.k12.mn.us click on "Register Online" or call 651-351-8300.
•6:30-8 p.m. Oct. 20 and 27, South Washington County Community Education, Cottage Grove Middle School. Attendees are invited to both sessions. Cost is $15 per person or $20 per couple. To register: www.cecool.com or call 651-458-6607.
For more information go to: www.connect2chac.org or www.shouldertoshoulderminnesota.org.
Free legal workshops discuss child supportBrian Huffman, Washington County's law librarian, and volunteer lawyers will bring workshops to several locations to train residents in how to find and use legal forms and resources.
The next topic, Child Support Rights and Obligations, will be taught by Assistant Washington County Attorney Heather Pipenhagen from 6-8 p.m. Monday at the R.H. Stafford Library in Woodbury, Valley Creek Room A.
The program is open to the public. Registration is recommended at 651-275-8510.
Information about coming workshops is available at www.startribune.com/a598.
Applicants sought for advisory boardsCitizens interested in advising the Woodbury City Council on topics ranging from economic development to recreation to financial investing are asked to apply for upcoming openings on the city's advisory commissions.
This year, the boards will have 14 openings.
Board members have staggered terms, and some expire on Dec. 31. Some incumbents are eligible for reappointment.
Three board terms are expiring on the Economic Development Commission, the Environmental Advisory Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commission; two on the Planning Commission and one on the Audit and Investment Commission.
The City Council also will interview applicants for seats on boards that oversee the three watershed districts within the city. Those appointments, however, are made by Washington County.
Citizens can apply by calling City Hall at 651-714-3500 to get an application. Applications also are available at www.ci.woodbury.mn.us. Go to the "Government" heading and then select "Advisory Commissions."
Applications are being accepted through Oct. 21. The council will interview applicants Nov. 19.
County attorney to speak on ID theftWashington County Attorney Pete Orput will highlight one piece of his crime prevention initiative Tuesday night when he offers tips on preventing identity theft.
The 7 p.m. presentation will be at City Hall as part of this week's City Council meeting.
In addition to offering advice on how to prevent identity theft, Orput will outline steps that people should take if they fall victim to the crime.
His office has been making prosecutors available to talk to community groups about identity theft, burglary prevention, truancy and protecting children on the Internet.
City again named 'Playful City USA'Because of free summer park programming and other affordable recreation opportunities for families, Oak Park Heights has again been named in the KaBOOM! list of playful cities nationwide.
"The quality of life available in the City of Oak Park Heights is greatly improved by the numerous trail-ways, parks and summer programming events," said council Member Mary McOmber.
Playful City USA recipients are eligible for 103 grants worth $2.1 million to build or fix up playgrounds. They range in value from $15,000 to $30,000. Winners will be announced Monday.
Oak Park Heights also won the Playful City USA designation last year.
Time to rid the garage of hazardous wasteWashington County will host a one-day household hazardous waste and electronics collection event in Hugo from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday at the Public Works Building, 6900 137th St. N.
Household hazardous waste and electronics will be accepted free from residents of Washington, Anoka, Carver, Chisago, Hennepin and Ramsey counties, but not from businesses.
The event is being held in conjunction with Hugo Cleanup Day, so additional items from Hugo residents, such as tires or furniture, also will be accepted for a fee.
Church will mark hospital centennialSt. John's Hospital in Maplewood turns 100 this year, and to mark the occasion, St. Andrews Lutheran Church in Mahtomedi will hold a special service at 7 p.m. Thursday. With the theme "Give Thanks, Praise and Sing," the service will celebrate the hospital's faith-based roots and history. The church is at 900 Stillwater Road.
Tim Harlow, Kevin Giles and anthony lonetree
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