For your lunchtime enjoyment: the latest Tintin trailer.

Some people in the YouTube comments are upset - yes, that does go without saying. But they're upset Tintin isn't Belgian. True, the original character was Belgian, but the rest of the world doesn't exactly have a good fix on that unique, unmistakeable Belgian accent. One observer notes that Captain Haddock could sound more gruff, wondering if they modeled the voices after the animated series. That's some serious Tintin nerdery, right there. In the animated series, which were virtually panel-for-panel remakes of the books, Haddock didn't sound quite right. At least in the English version. Unless that's what Belgians sound like when they're gruff.

Anyway, he sounds sufficiently gruff here - and the voice is Andy Serkis, aka Gollum. The only question is whether people will think "it's that creepy plastic CGI, like 'Mars Needs Moms,'" and say no thanks. Hope not. The opening sequence, with the mirrors and the irrepressible quiff, suggests this could be quite smart.