Neal Justin's TV picks – "Boss Nails," "Next Step Realty: NYC," "The Agent"
One of Miami's hottest beauty salons gets the full treatment in "Boss Nails," a new series that follows 26-year-old Dana Cody as she tries to turn Tippie Toes Beauty Lounge into an empire. Huh, "Tippie Toes" was also my nickname in college. What are the odds? 8 p.m. Oxygen
New York state of mind
In "Next Step Realty: NYC," real estate agents try to find affordable living in the Big Apple for recent college grads. Tip No. 1 in getting a good deal: Scrap plans to reside in one of world's most expensive cities and move back in with your parents. Your loan officer will thank me later! 8 p.m. ABC Family
From the sidelines
"The Agent" follows four sports agents as they try to score during the 2014 pro football draft and season. My guess is that all of them choose to ignore Tom Cruise's mission statement in "Jerry Maguire," although they do adore the "show me the money" scenes. 9 p.m. Esquire Network
Neal Justin
about the writer
Tim Walz appears to learn of Taylor Swift endorsement on live TV