Here's something the Minnesota Vikings Skol siblings haven't had a lot of this season: A positive outcome, a new way to show their devotion to the purple and, finally, parity with Green Bay Packers fans in Wisconsin.
Minnesota Vikings release commemorative license plate design
Skol brothers and sisters can purchase the plates for an extra $30 beginning in January.

On Tuesday, the team's charitable foundation will announce the design for commemorative vehicle plates. The purple-and-white plates come with a $30 fee on top of the regular license plate charges in Minnesota and they will be available Jan. 2.
The plates were made possible by 2023 legislation allowing Minnesota professional teams to sell plates through their foundations. The Vikings are the first to unveil theirs in Minnesota but the team is 28th out of the 32 NFL teams to offer the plates. Wisconsin has for years availed Packers fans striking green-and-gold plates.
The Vikings plates feature the blond, mustachioed mascot in profile with horns sprouting from his helmet, a luscious braid tumbling down his cheek and a dour expression.
Stripped across the top in white and shades of purple are the Minneapolis skyline on the left, including U.S. Bank Stadium, and a stand of pines on the right, capturing two defining Minnesota settings.
The plates will be available at about 170 Minnesota Driver and Vehicle Services locations throughout the state and can be ordered online at, where there is also a list of available plates. To receive notification when the Vikings plates become available, sign up here.
The Vikings say the $30 fee for the plates will go toward the foundation's mission of advancing children's health and education initiatives. "This is an excellent way for the Foundation to connect with Minnesota Vikings fans and generate dollars that make a direct and positive impact on children throughout the state," said Brett Taber, executive director of the foundation.
The team worked with the state Department of Public Safety on the design and conducted a fan survey during training camp and the preseason. The foundation will be required to report to the state how the funds are used.
The Vikings Foundation launched in 2017 with the aim of addressing the educational opportunity gap, poor nutrition and physical inactivity.
The Minnesota Twins, Wild and Timberwolves also are working on designs and plan to sell plates to benefit their foundations as early as January.
Mike Conley was in Minneapolis, where he sounded the Gjallarhorn at the Vikings game, on Sunday during the robbery.