Letter of the day: From biking to volunteering, we're now tops in the country

June 18, 2010 at 12:34AM

First, the Twin Cities was named the No. 1 bike-friendly metro area, and now we have been ranked first in volunteerism once again ("We're the tops as volunteers," June 16). As an avid bicyclist and community volunteer, I couldn't be prouder. Behind both of these rankings are thousands of Minnesotans who are willing to roll up their sleeves and get involved. From building and advocating for bike trails to feeding the homeless and hungry, Minnesotans are always willing to lend a hand. With support from corporate partners such as Target and 3M, and with volunteer management expertise provided by nonprofit leaders, we can and will continue to live in a state with a quality of life that is second to none. Thank you, volunteers! SOREN JENSEN, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD, HANDSON TWIN CITIES

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