Leo is OKAY, people. Relax.

We hate to niggle, but this is why US magazine has the reputation for appealing to people who find USA Today too dense and wordy. The plane never made it to 30,000 feet. The incident happened during take-off.

That's nice. Everyone needs a hobby. And if there's anything that will keep Russian poachers from killing tigers, it's the thought that Leo DeCaprio disapproves.

UPDATE: Leo has pledged $1 miillion to tiger preservation, which changes the story. So the next time makes a snarky remark about celebs who speak at panels and think they've made a difference - you know, like I just did up above - bring up the Leo example.

By the way, I'll bet he hates being called "the 'Titanic' star." That wasn't exactly a hit yesterday, you know. Makes it sound like nothing he's done since has come close.