(Programs are subject to change or cancellation based on weather)
Learn, hike, ski and more at winter parks programs
Weekend programs at state and regional parks in Minnesota.
Bison tales
Blue Mounds State Park, 4-5 p.m. Friday
Join a naturalist to learn more about the managed bison herd and the project aimed at preserving the species in Minnesota. Meet at the cart-in campsite picnic shelter. (1-507-283-6050; mndnr.gov/bluemounds)
Candlelight ski
Glendalough State Park, 6:30-9 p.m. Saturday
Ski a 1 ½-mile lighted and groomed trail, or at least part of it. If you are 16 and older, you will need a Great Minnesota Ski Pass ($6 for a day pass). Buy one at the visitor center. Skis can be rented. Call for availability. See the park website, or call if weather conditions are severe. (1-218-864-0110; mndnr.gov/glendalough)
Logging days
Itasca State Park
11 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday
Step into the late 1800s and watch members of the Lake Itasca Region Pioneer Farmers drop trees with a two-man crosscut saw, buck the log into sections, and crosshaul logs onto a horse-drawn sled. Dress for the weather. (1-218-699-7251; mndnr.gov/itasca)
Ski, hike, snowshoe
Jay Cooke State Park, 6-9 p.m. Saturday
Choose your favorite activity, illuminated at ground level by candlelight and possibly overhead by starlight. Skiers 16 and older will need a Great Minnesota Ski Pass, which can be bought at the River Inn Interpretive Center. Snowshoes can be rented for $6 per pair. Call ahead for availability. (1-218-673-7005; mndnr.gov/jaycooke)
Snowshoe Saturdays
Whitewater State Park, 10 a.m.-noon Saturday
Follow a naturalist off the beaten path and see the park at its winter finest. Bring your own snowshoes or borrow them from the park. Call ahead to check availability. (1-507-312-2300; mndnr.gov/whitewater)
For master naturalists
Baker Near-Wilderness Settlement, 3-6 p.m. Sunday
An advanced course on winter ecology is open to master naturalist graduates. Discuss how, when and why Minnesota has seasons. Hike through a mature maple-basswood forest uncovering plant and animal strategies for survival in Minnesota. We will snowshoe if conditions allow (equipment provided). Cost is $25, and reservations are required. Visit MinnesotaMasterNaturalist.org to register. (763-694-7605)
Skate skiing lessons
Elm Creek Park Reserve, 9:30-11 a.m. Sunday
Practice efficient edging, gliding and control. Classic skiing experience is recommended. Call 763-559-6700 to make a reservation. Ski rentals are available. This lesson is for participants 18 and older.
Beginners who want to learn classic style have a class from noon-1:30 p.m. Sunday. Learn the basics: proper equipment fitting, diagonal stride, stopping, turning and a brief introduction to small hills. Rental gear available. For those 18 and older. Call 763-559-6700. (threeriversparks.org)
about the writer
None of the boat’s occupants, two adults and two juveniles, were wearing life jackets, officials said.