Learn, hike, ski and more at winter parks programs

Weekend programs at state and regional parks in Minnesota.

February 7, 2019 at 5:23PM

(Programs are subject to change or cancellation based on weather)

Bison tales

Blue Mounds State Park, 4-5 p.m. Friday

Join a naturalist to learn more about the managed bison herd and the project aimed at preserving the species in Minnesota. Meet at the cart-in campsite picnic shelter. (1-507-283-6050; mndnr.gov/bluemounds)

Candlelight ski

Glendalough State Park, 6:30-9 p.m. Saturday

Ski a 1 ½-mile lighted and groomed trail, or at least part of it. If you are 16 and older, you will need a Great Minnesota Ski Pass ($6 for a day pass). Buy one at the visitor center. Skis can be rented. Call for availability. See the park website, or call if weather conditions are severe. (1-218-864-0110; mndnr.gov/glendalough)

Logging days

Itasca State Park

11 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday

Step into the late 1800s and watch members of the Lake Itasca Region Pioneer Farmers drop trees with a two-man crosscut saw, buck the log into sections, and crosshaul logs onto a horse-drawn sled. Dress for the weather. (1-218-699-7251; mndnr.gov/itasca)

Ski, hike, snowshoe

Jay Cooke State Park, 6-9 p.m. Saturday

Choose your favorite activity, illuminated at ground level by candlelight and possibly overhead by starlight. Skiers 16 and older will need a Great Minnesota Ski Pass, which can be bought at the River Inn Interpretive Center. Snowshoes can be rented for $6 per pair. Call ahead for availability. (1-218-673-7005; mndnr.gov/jaycooke)

Snowshoe Saturdays

Whitewater State Park, 10 a.m.-noon Saturday

Follow a naturalist off the beaten path and see the park at its winter finest. Bring your own snowshoes or borrow them from the park. Call ahead to check availability. (1-507-312-2300; mndnr.gov/whitewater)

For master naturalists

Baker Near-Wilderness Settlement, 3-6 p.m. Sunday

An advanced course on winter ecology is open to master naturalist graduates. Discuss how, when and why Minnesota has seasons. Hike through a mature maple-basswood forest uncovering plant and animal strategies for survival in Minnesota. We will snowshoe if conditions allow (equipment provided). Cost is $25, and reservations are required. Visit MinnesotaMasterNaturalist.org to register. (763-694-7605)

Skate skiing lessons

Elm Creek Park Reserve, 9:30-11 a.m. Sunday

Practice efficient edging, gliding and control. Classic skiing experience is recommended. Call 763-559-6700 to make a reservation. Ski rentals are available. This lesson is for participants 18 and older.

Beginners who want to learn classic style have a class from noon-1:30 p.m. Sunday. Learn the basics: proper equipment fitting, diagonal stride, stopping, turning and a brief introduction to small hills. Rental gear available. For those 18 and older. Call 763-559-6700. (threeriversparks.org)

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