Last call for 'Strong Women' photo show of Minnesota lesbian life in the '70s

Minnesota-born photographer Carolyn "Meadow" Muska's first museum solo exhibition, "Strong Women, Full of Love" is a beautiful throwback to the 1970s and '80s radical lesbian separatist world. The 30 black-and-white photographs offer intimate glimpses into a world that lesbian women created on their own and for themselves, no men allowed or needed. In her photos, viewers will see self-sustaining lesbian communities, off-the-grid rural lands, LGBTQ rights protests, lesbian-run cafes and bookstores, communal living spaces in south Minneapolis and even homemade gay lady erotica. This is your last chance to see Muska's photos before the show ends on Sunday. (10 a.m.-9 p.m. Fri., 10-5 Sat.; 11-5 Sun. Minneapolis Institute of Art, 2400 3rd Av. S., Mpls. Free. 1-888-642-2787 or
Alicia Eler
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