Slug and Ant land on TV again tonight with Atmosphere's pre-taped "Last Call" appearance. / Tom Wallace, Star Tribune (The Minnesota Star Tribune)
The performance was filmed in August at the Minneapolis hip-hop vets' sold-out Greek Theatre show.
Tonight's episode of "Last Call With Carson Daly" will feature the latest TV appearance by Atmosphere, but it's not your typical TV appearance. The performance was filmed in August at the Minneapolis hip-hop vets' sold-out concert at the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles. That explains how the group could also have a gig scheduled tonight at the House of Blues in Houston.
Atmosphere's Greek show was one of four filmed by "Last Call" at the famous outdoor venue, also including Death Cab for Cutie, the Decemberists and Thievery Corporation (good company). They're being broadcast all this week as "Greek Week" for Daly's season kick-off. The show airs on NBC after "Late Night With Jimmy Fallon" at 12:35 a.m. locally (technically Friday morning for you DVR users). It will also re-air a few times Friday on the Fuse network. Here's a bootleg video from the same Greek gig posted below.
After spending much of the spring and summer on the road, Atmosphere finally wraps up its Family Vacation Tour next week in Omaha. The next gig on the books is one that's actually sort of off-the-books: an Oct. 21 concert at TCF Bank Stadium for the University of Minnesota's "Pep Fest," which follows the annual homecoming parade. Tickets went on sale yesterday at $10 for students and $25 for everyone else. This confirms what many of us have long suspected: Slug is secretly trying to follow in Bono's footsteps.
Kids can learn how to program robots, play chess, speak Chinese or dance hip-hop style, among other enrichment options.