Do you have Astraphobia (the fear of thunderstorms)? This is probably a bitmore common than one might think. In the most severe of cases, the personsuffering from this phobia experiences a great amount of anxiety and seeksshelter in closed spaces like a closet or under a bed.I don't think I have this ailment since I very much enjoy watching a big oldstorm cloud rolling in. On the other hand, I have sensed building anxiety whenthe bolts of lightning and crashes of thunder are getting closer and closer.
Kocet's Corner
By AccuWeather
You know that soon you will be right at ground zero and the next big bang willrattle your bones and shake the house. I guess that is a bit scary.
In any case, if you respect a thunderstorm, it won't bite you. Look at it thisway. Say you are at the zoo looking at the lions. They are majestic animals,but you are certainly not going into the cage with them, are you?Thunderstorms should be treated the same way. Know how to respect them, and yougreatly lessen your chances of being hurt. Why be outside when a big storm ismoving in, and lightning is flashing around all over the place? You have putyourself in the lion's cage. That makes no sense.
Thunderstorms come in two categories: the real bad guys and the gentle giants.
The gentle giants are beneficial, and fortunately there is a far greaterpercentage of those than the ones that produce destruction.
Unfortunately, there will be a major outbreak of severe thunderstorms acrossthe Central states Friday and Friday night. The storms will produce powerfulstraight-line winds, large hail and tornadoes.
Story by Senior Meteorologist John Kocet.