Ticks are always a problem for anyone in tall grass, weeds, brush, or the woods.
It's time to think about ticks
Tick bites can be fatal
By jim williams
Like, where you look for birds.
There is an article in today's StarTrib (Wednesday) that delivers a warning about the danger ticks present, and also offering precautions you can take.
I've had a tick-borne disease, given me by a tick I never saw. I didn't have Lyme disease. I had ehrlichiosis.
The Mayo Clinic web site says, "Ehrlichiosis is a bacterial illness transmitted by ticks that causes flu-like symptoms. The signs and symptoms of ehrlichiosis range from mild body aches to severe fever and usually appear within a week or two of a tick bite. If treated quickly with appropriate antibiotics, ehrlichiosis generally improves within a few days.
My symptoms were bad headache, heavy sweating, and fatigue. I saw a doctor the day the symptoms appeared. She put me in a hospital bed, connecting me to a drip-bag of antibiotics. I went home 24 hours later.
She told me that the disease left untreated could kill a person within two weeks.
We were living in Burnett County, Wisconsin, at the time. Later that summer I learned that two women in the county died because they did not seek treatment for this disease. Both thought they had the flu and that it would go away.
I now check for ticks during my bird walks, not only when I get back home.
about the writer
jim williams
Several home watch businesses joined together in the Minnesota Home Watch Collaborative to stay vigilant across the whole state.