It's now up to the GOP to fix Obamacare's flaws
If Trump really lets it fail, he'll be responsible for the disaster.
By Editorial
The real question facing Republicans is one Ryan fielded last Friday: "Do we try to prop it up?" His answer: "It is so fundamentally flawed, I don't know if that is possible."
Actually, it is possible, and it is the responsibility of Ryan, his GOP majority and President Trump. A governing GOP would restrain its anti-Obamacare hyperbole and seek to ensure the system's stability, because millions depend on it. Instead, Republicans still sound as if they are rooting for it to fail. "The best thing politically is to let Obamacare explode," Trump said shortly after the repeal-and-replace bill went down.
In fact, the Congressional Budget Office projected that, left to operate under reasonable management, Obamacare can work pretty well, preserving the massive coverage gains of the past several years. But one wrong move, motivated by either malice or ignorance, could send the system crashing down.
The Trump administration will face an early test in how it handles a lawsuit the House filed against the Obama administration, which the new president's team inherited. If Congress refuses to back down or the Justice Department fails to continue fighting the suit, the result would be the loss of subsidies that help millions of low-income people pay out-of-pocket health costs. Withdrawing this support would cause insurers to flee Obamacare markets, leading to massive coverage losses.
Similarly, Trump must decide how he will enforce the individual mandate, a policy hated on the right that requires every American to obtain health coverage. The administration sent early signals that it would weaken enforcement, which would result in fewer people signing up and strain the system's financial stability
But if Obamacare will be in place for the "foreseeable future," enforcing the mandate will be essential, assuming the president wants to avoid presiding over a policy disaster for which, make no mistake, he would be blamed.
about the writer
Public service is an honor, and it’s rewarding, but a time comes also to prioritize family — and to lift up the next generation of leaders.