The political landscape has deeply divided us. But we can salvage frayed relationships using the techniques from the Families and Politics workshop sponsored by the national nonprofit Braver Angels:
How to bridge the political divide

Watch your words and don't escalate. When you call a friend or family member "a moral monster," it's hard to come back from that. Treat them as people, not opponents.
Bring an attitude of curiosity rather than persuasion. Don't evangelize. Recognize that you have little to no ability to change someone's mind and give up any effort to try to do it. Respect other people's right to have their own views.
Family members are consistent and predictable. Because you know them, you can practice and prepare on how to respond. Observe them assuming their roles, from those who agitate to those who pacify. Contemplate your own role and ask yourself if it's productive.
Acknowledge that you and your family member have longstanding differences. Rants only lead to more rants.
Think about how those you care about but disagree with will view your social media presence. William Doherty, a University of Minnesota professor and founder of Braver Angels, said inflammatory posts and tweets have only deepened the divide. Don't post a hostile message that adds to the polarization. And don't tell followers to "Unfriend me now" if they don't share your viewpoint.
Recognize that political divisions didn't happen overnight or in a vacuum. Historically the fracturing process has been going on for 30 years or more.
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