It's back above 90 F for much of the East on Monday as another blast of heattakes a swipe at the region.From Washington, D.C., northward to New Jersey and the Hudson Valley of NewYork state, temperatures will soar to between 90 F and 95 F under blazingmid-sWeather HeadlinesSun, 08 Aug 2010 14:18:13 ESTIWS0Sun, 08 Aug 2010 13:29:08 ESTCooling It on the California CoastCoastal Southern California will have high temperatures mostly in the 60s forthe next two to three days.Farther north, highs in the 60s and even upper 50s will hold along and near thecoast in central and northern California, including the Bay area.
Hot Start to the Week for the East
By AccuWeather
Already, as of Saturday, average temperature in San Diego since the start ofsummer has been a full 5 F below normal. The first week of August, alone, hasbeen cooler than usual by nearly 6 F.
Its been nearly as cool in Santa Barbara.
Los Angeles, while not as unusual as its southern neighbor, has nonethelessbeen significantly cool since spring with the first seven days of Augustdipping 6.5 F below normal at LAX airport.
In northern California, one cool spot, San Jose, has been cooler than usual by2.9 F since summer began in June.
This begs the question: what is cooling the Pacific Coast even as much of thenation swelters in an unusually hot summer?The answer lies with the water beneath those cooling sea breezes, where the seasurface has cooled significantly compared to normal. The cooling is happeningin parallel with the onset of El NiStory by Senior Meteorologist Jim Andrews.
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NONFICTION: “Category Five” says those catastrophic events are commonly being eclipsed, because of climate crisis.