Savvy parents have tossed all the PVC baby bottles and water bottles from their cabinets, and ever since Congress banned phthalates in children's toys, concerned Moms and Dads have been going through the toy boxes as well. There is, however, one area where parents, who care about their kids' health, may have missed. It's the backpack.
Go PVC-free this Back to School Season!
Your childrens' school supplies could contain PVC, a highly toxic plastic.
By paulaustin

Specifically, it's what goes into the backpack when the kids go back to school. An innocent-looking lunch box or 3-ring binder could contain chemicals linked to learning disabilities, obesity, and asthma. Many school supplies are manufactured using polyvinyl chloride (PVC), the most hazardous plastic for our health and environment.
This plastic can contain a toxic stew of phthalates, lead, cadmium, and organotins—chemical compounds based on tin. As a result, some of these chemicals, like phthalates, are building up inside the human body. To the developing body of a child, even a small exposure to these toxic chemicals can be dangerous. A new 2011 study found PVC is the most widely used hazardous plastic in the world. From its manufacture to disposal, PVC releases hazardous chemicals like dioxins and phthalates that are harmful to your children's health. Mossville, Louisiana, home to more PVC chemical plants than anywhere in the US, is also one of the most polluted communities in the country with a high cancer mortality rate.
Parents don't have to panic. There are many, many healthier alternatives to PVC products. They are inexpensive, widely available, and easy to find. Parents who purchase PVC-free back to school products are also helping to reduce production of pollution in Mossville, Louisiana, and other parts of the country.
Safe back to school products are identified in fourth-annual 2011 Back-to-School Guide to PVC-Free School Supplies. It's the latest report by the Center for Health, Environment & Justice (CHEJ). The guide features a listing of the most common school supplies made out of PVC and safer PVC-free alternatives in over 35 product categories, from laptops and lunchboxes to backpacks and 3- ring binders. Parents around the country will find this useful for safer, healthier alternatives to PVC for their children. The guide also helps parents locate existing hazardous items in their home.
Find Safer Products for Your Kids. Download the new Back to School Guide to PVC-Free School Supplies. There's even a wallet-sized version here:

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