Expect delays for two weeks during inspection of Lift Bridge
Motorists will encounter delays between Stillwater and Houlton, Wis., for two weeks beginning on Monday to allow for the annual safety inspection of the Stillwater Lift Bridge. The bridge across the St. Croix River will be reduced to a single lane daily between 9 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
Crews will begin inspecting the bridge at 9 a.m. Monday and are expected to be finished by Aug. 19.
Flaggers will direct traffic across the bridge during work hours.
The inspection will not affect the bridge lift schedule, according to Kevin Walker, spokesman for the Minnesota Department of Transportation.
Motorists are asked to use the "zipper merge technique" when approaching the bridge during times of heavy congestion. When traffic slows, drivers should fill all available lanes safely up to the designated merge point, take turns at the merge point, then safely accelerate back to the posted work zone speed limit.
River floods out Fire Muster event A second attempt this summer to put together a public demonstration of firetrucks has gone down in flames because the St. Croix River remains too high.
"We have the continued irony of having to cancel a Fire Muster because of too much water," organizer Rick Wente said.
The event was postponed in June and rescheduled for Aug. 14 because of safety concerns for thousands of attendees. As many as 20 firetrucks in the riverfront Lowell Park would draw water from the river through hoses, but Wente said it's too risky with the river covering many of the sidewalks.
"There are just too many possibles for an unfortunate outcome," said Wente, who plans to try again next summer.
In the old days, a Fire Muster was held to raise money for fire departments.
Pulkrabek tells of trip to national conference After a one-week delay, Commissioner Bill Pulkrabek gave an accounting at last week's County Board meeting of workshops he attended while at a national conference.
Pulkrabek was under fire the previous week from Commissioner Lisa Weik for declining to explain what he did at the National Association of Counties conference held July 15-19 in Portland, Ore.
Weik, who objected to three of Washington County's five commissioners attending the conference, said Pulkrabek didn't need to go and pointed out that the regular County Board meeting that week was canceled for lack of a quorum.
Dennis Hegberg, the county's voting delegate, also attended the conference, as did Autumn Lehrke.
Pulkrabek said he attended workshops about land use, professional development and debt management.
Youth Service Bureau adds new fundraiser Allissa Obler recently joined Youth Service Bureau, Inc. as director of development and communication. She will be responsible for private and public fundraising as well as communications and marketing. Obler will work primarily in the Stillwater service center but will spend time in other locations as needed.
"I'm very excited to work with a youth-focused nonprofit in the community where I live," said Obler, a Bayport resident and mother of two.
Obler has worked with other area nonprofits, leading them to a more diversified funding base and helping them grow their individual giving.
YSB improves young lives through youth-focused family counseling, early intervention activities and school-based services that keep children and youth out of the court system and in school. For more information visit www.ysb.net or call 651-439-8800.
Volunteers needed for Woodbury Days Residents are needed to help with the city's three-day celebration that runs Aug. 26-28 at Ojibway Park.
Duties include greeting guests as they arrive, helping vendors, assisting with the parade and answering questions at the information booth. Volunteers must be 15 years or older.
Prospective helpers can find details on the volunteering tab at www.woodburydays.com.
Groundbreaking for Miracle Field Monday A report that incorrectly said the Woodbury Rotary Club didn't have enough money to complete fundraising efforts for the East Metro Miracle Field turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
Two Woodbury residents, along with local businesses and foundations, saw the report and contributed more than enough to push the Rotary over its goal of $250,000 to pay for the turf field that will allow children with physical and cognitive disabilities to play baseball.
Work on the East Metro Miracle Field will begin Monday with a groundbreaking ceremony at 5:30 p.m. at the Bielenberg Sports Complex, 4125 Radio Dr. As part of the festivities, a Miracle League game will take place on an adjacent dirt field.
Construction is expected to last into the fall, and the wheelchair- and walker-friendly turf will be installed next spring, said Alan Henaman, a Rotary Club spokesman.
The 110-foot field, which will be named after the late Woodbury state Rep. Jeff Hanson, will serve as many as 150 kids from Woodbury and surrounding communities who will play in leagues put on by the Woodbury Parks and Recreation Department.
The field will be the only one of its type in the east metro area.
Foundation picks two to lead Spooktakular Woodbury residents Dr. Jon and Ann Tessar of Tessar Dental in Oakdale will be co-chairs of the 2011 Soirée Spooktakular put on by the Woodbury Community Foundation.
The fourth annual Soirée Spooktakular will begin at 6:13 p.m. on Oct. 28 at the Prom Center in Oakdale. It will include hors d'oeuvres, silent and live auctions, costume contest and dancing.
All proceeds support the Woodbury Community Foundation and its work in four key areas of need: youth, jobs, housing, and food.
Reservations can be made at www.woodburyfoundation.org or by calling 651-788-6586.
Work resumes on highway overpass Construction of the Broadway Avenue bridge over Interstate 35 came out of mothballs after the state shutdown ended. The shutdown raised concerns that the bridge wouldn't be finished by winter. Work resumed July 25, County Engineer Wayne Sandberg said.
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Watch video highlights from Week 5 of MN high school football in this exclusive video produced by NSPN.tv.