Eighth Ward candidate Terry White: I'll collaborate and lead to move Minneapolis forward

Ideological divisions and a lack of collaboration among City Council members have led our city down a path of inaction and poor decisions,

By Terry White

November 3, 2023 at 10:30PM
Minneapolis City Hall. (Trisha Ahmed, Associated Press/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

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Minneapolis is a city with immense potential, poised to flourish. However, it will take the right leadership to unlock that potential. I'm Terry White, and I believe I can make that happen. I bring a fresh perspective that is future-focused and dedicated to ensuring Minneapolis is a better place to live for all residents.

I am a proud DFL candidate running for City Council in the Eighth Ward because I firmly believe that progress requires collaboration on the council so we can heal from the past and move the city forward. Over the past few years, I have observed how ideological divisions and a lack of collaboration among council members have led our city down a path of inaction and poor decisions, leaving crucial work neglected at a time when the city has many significant challenges.

Critical concerns like homelessness, public safety and bolstering our local businesses demand urgent focus, but it seems progress has been hindered by the relentless pursuit of recognition from a select group of campaign funders, by influential endorsement committees and by the quest for notoriety within special interest groups.

I am not just a candidate; I am a longtime resident of Minneapolis who has witnessed the greatness of our city. I've raised my children here, and my wife has her own psychotherapy practice. However, it's undeniable that racism and poverty, coupled with an unwillingness by elected officials to engage with those holding different viewpoints, have left a legacy that requires thoughtful leadership to overcome.

Leadership transcends mere talking. It means showing up daily with the genuine intent of responding to all residents, regardless of their backgrounds. It means working diligently to find common ground, setting a model of perseverance when faced with obstacles. It also means recognizing that every dollar the city collects in fees and taxes has been earned by residents, many of whom are struggling financially. As public servants, we have a duty to spend that money wisely on services and projects that will benefit our residents now and prepare our city for a better future. This is how I will act.

In this election, I ask you to cast your vote for a candidate with over two decades of experience in management and regulatory services. I know what it means to be held accountable, and I have a proven track record of achieving goals in complex organizations with competing priorities.

My campaign's origins lie in my observations of homeless individuals on our streets. I firmly believe the city's current sweep-and-repeat policy is neither humane nor effective. While my opponents may promote catchy slogans, I have a concrete plan of action that benefits both those living in encampments and the residents in their proximity. The city cannot afford to allow 40 encampments with no viable alternatives, no comprehensive plans, and insufficient funding to address this pressing issue.

I support efforts to increase affordable housing but fear it will take years for the supply to meet the demand. Implementing my plan to alleviate the suffering we experience daily should not wait.

The city needs to feel and be safe — for everyone. Police play a crucial role in maintaining public safety and responding to emergencies. We must focus on proper training to prevent excessive use of force and racist behavior, while also showing our support for those officers who respect all residents and uphold their responsibilities. I am a Democrat who firmly believes that addressing generational poverty, racism and a lack of opportunities is integral to reducing crime. Our city's failure to tackle these root causes perpetuates a sense of hopelessness that contributes to destructive behavior. It is entirely possible to address the underlying causes of crime while acknowledging the need for more police officers. Healing from our past injustices accelerates our progress toward a better future.

Ranked-choice voting empowers you to vote your conscience without fear of spoilers. If you share my vision, please visit my blog at betterminneapolis.com for details on my plans for moving the city forward. I urge you to make me your first choice on Nov. 7. Together, we can revitalize our city and enhance the quality of life for all residents.

Terry White is a candidate for Minneapolis City Council in the Eighth Ward.

about the writer

Terry White