For the record I am pro-snow. I can live without glaze ice and 20 below, but bring on the frozen water. I tolerate winter, knowing an endless supply of cool air from Canada vaccinates us from some of the worst weather on Earth.
Douglas: Snow Sunday, with thaw on horizon
Metro could get 1-3 inches, with more to the north
Minnesota experiences its fair share of tornadoes, hail and high water, but disaster risk over the northern tier of the U.S. is much lower than in the southern and western U.S., which grapple with earthquakes, fires, debilitating heat and supersized hurricanes.
Two milestones stand out. Dec. 21: shortest daylight of the year. Jan. 17: midpoint of winter, when average temperatures “bottom out.”
Expect 1-3 inches of snow in the metro Sunday with 4 inches in the far north metro; maybe some 5-inch amounts for Brainerd Lakes to Duluth. Chances are it will stick around, despite a two-day thaw later in the week. Models show more subzero nights next week, 20 degrees lower than average, right on the cusp of polar vortex-ish.
Fires in L.A. are still blazing. Prayers to folks in SoCal.
Monday night is likely to be the coldest of the season.