I’m sorry but single digits and teens (in Minnesota) don’t scream “polar vortex.” It’s January. Have we gotten soft?
Douglas: No significant snow in store for next two weeks
2024 was Minnesota’s warmest year on record
In his latest post of “Minnesota Weather Talk,” weather historian Mark Seeley describes the coldest winter in Minnesota history: 1874-75, when 70-80” of snow fell across much of the state. The Twin Cities was below 32 for 80 consecutive days. 25 subzero nights in January, 21 subzero nights in February. Lows of minus-30 or colder for three nights. Definition of “Pioneer Winter.”
Seeley adds that 150 years later the entire state of Minnesota experienced the warmest year on record in 2024, tied with the Dust Bowl year of 1931 in the metro.
Our snow drought limps on. Temperatures in the 20s is the sweet spot for heavy snow. 30s? Changeover to rain, less snow. Teens? Chances are the storm tracks too far south for heavy accumulation.
I see flurries from a few clippers, but no plowable amounts the next one to two weeks. Temps in the 20s will feel good next week with no more subzero weather in sight. Too easy.
Another blast of winter weather is expected in parts of the U.S. in the coming days, including bone-chilling wind in the Northern Plains and unusual snow and ice in the Gulf Coast area.