DNR Head Says Supreme Court Mandates Lake Mille Lacs Destruction?

At a recent meeting between the DNR and Lake Mille Lacs resort owners, guides and residents, the walleye population and management options were discussed.

By steve fellegy

December 21, 2011 at 4:44PM

Most Minnesota walleye fans are aware of the basics when it comes down to the Lake Mille Lacs scene these days. Most recall the fact that the lake is being gill-netted by a Tribal regime during the spawn every spring dating back to a U.S. Supreme Court decision in 1999. And most now know that there is grave concern about the direction the famed walleye population is headed these days.

This past December 12th, Minnesota DNR fisheries experts met with Lake MIlle Lacs resort owners and concerned residents to discuss the situation and potential options to protect it in the future.

Walleye population trends, according to the biologists, show a steady decline in male numbers for years and an overall 2011 population as the 2nd lowest since records have been kept. The lowest? 2007.

The experts say the reason for the decline is "speculative". Huh? Anything change since the gill-nets have been stretched out over miles of spawning grounds? Angler harvest has been, as usual, up and down during the netting era. Angler harvests have been about the same as the 30 year average...some years higher and some lower. So why is this happening? What can be done?

Many decades ago, Minnesota DNR fisheries biologists convinced Minnesota lawmakers to create a walleye fishing season. They decided it is best to not target walleyes during the time while they are congregated in vulnerable areas where over-harvest could occur if the season were open. To this day, the thinking must be the same as they closed lakes in the northeastern part of the state to hook and line anglers in 2011 because a late spring had spawning walleyes in a few lakes too vulnerable to target by the usual opening day angling crowd. Think about this now...and don't forget... gill-nets were deemed bad decades ago also. Are you thinking about this?

So at the latest meeting, questions were asked. "It doesn't seem fair" Terry McQuiod asked. Ed Boggess, director of Mn. DNR fish and wildlfe, said "the fairness issue doesn't really regard us. The fairness issue is for the federal courts and they've already ruled on that. If it is a CONSERVATION issue, then it concerns us." Now think about that statement...re-read this several times. Say what?? A population decline and it's not a "conservation" issue? Doesn't concern the DNR? Oh my....

Bill Eno, owner of Twin Pines Resort, pointed out the Tribal regime has been the "Alpha" and the DNR the "Beta". He asked, "when are you going to be the big dog and not just react?" The answer?? " .......we're under Federal mandate", the DNR director Boggess said.

WOW! Does anyone else think the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of destroying Lake Mille Lacs? Does anyone else agree the Judges meant, simply, to go back to Minnesota and defy decades of fishery management philospophy and allow targeting spawning walleyes with gill-nets? Did they really MANDATE our DNR to agree to this mess? Mandated?? Director Boggess says "...we have to follow Federal law." Say what??

It's NOW time to ask the Justices of the high court if, in fact, the Tribal regime and our own Minnesota DNR is in contempt of their 1999 rulings.......NOW!!!

contact Steve Fellegy at 651-270-3383 or sf1954@embarqmail.com

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steve fellegy