Crafted to Last Campaign for Music

David Okar has been a busy guy lately. Busy as in filming a documentary that follows 16 Minnesota breweries since 2012 documenting their experience with the recent law changes regarding beer.

By Ryan Tuenge

May 28, 2014 at 12:36AM

David Okar has been a busy guy lately. Busy as in filming a documentary that follows 16 Minnesota breweries since 2012 documenting their experience with the recent law changes regarding beer. The documentary called Crafted to Last - Minnesota Beer Blossoms is a full length film and is expected to premier on July 19th in Minneapolis and in other communities throughout the state.

However, he is going to need some help specifically raising funds for the soundtrack featuring local musicians such as Zach Lozier, Eldon Hagen, Steve Pikal, and Steven Hobert. These artists will be compensated for their work which will be on display throughout the film and into the bonus footage—as well as at all opening night events.

An IndieGoGo campaign was started in order to obtain the remaining $7,500 needed for this project and there are only 21 days left to support it. Let's show our support for local musicians and film makers who are looking to tell a great story about our craft beer scene here in Minnesota. You can visit the IndieGoGo site found here if you'd like to contribute.


about the writer

Ryan Tuenge