Cooling East of the Rockies

By AccuWeather

August 22, 2010 at 7:25PM

Southward cooling beginning on Monday will sweep away the heat that brokelate-week temperature records along the northern High Plains.On Monday, temperatures will hold in the 70s in much of Wyoming and easternMontana into the western Dakotas. This follows top readings in the 90s to thelower 100s during the weekend, when some new record highs were set.

Temperatures in Great Falls, Mont., will hold in the 60s.

Elsewhere in the Dakotas into Nebraska and Colorado it will still be quitewarm, but not as hot as during the weekend. In Denver, for instance, thedownturn from Sunday to Monday will be about 10 degrees.

On Tuesday, cooling will stab southward into the panhandles region of Texas,Oklahoma and New Mexico. Under rainy skies, areas southward from Denver willsee readings failing to top 70 F. Obvious cooling in the wake of theinstigating cold front will be felt eastward to Kansas City, Des Moines andMinneapolis.

Story by Senior Meteorologist Jim Andrews

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